Dual Enrollment
Earn College Credit while you're still in high school!!
Earn College Credit while you're still in high school!!![]()
Earn College Credit while you're still in high school!!
As a high school student you can take advantage of the Dual Enrollment program at Woodland Community College to earn dual credit for college classes that your high school may also count towards graduation!
Take college classes tuition-free
Dual Enrollment college courses are tuition-free as long as you remain a part-time student (11 units or less) at WCC.
Save time and money on your college graduation
Dual Enrollment courses allow you to count one course for both college and high school credit when you used to have to take two separate courses! When you complete high school you could have accumulated enough credits to substantially save time toward graduating from college!
Take College Classes at your High School Campus
Take College Classes at your High School Campus![]()
Take College Classes at your High School Campus
Step 1: First, talk to your high school counselor to find out which college courses are offered at your high school campus.
Step 3: Download and complete the High School Recommendation Form (or get it from your high school counselor) and have a parent or guardian sign the permission form allowing you to take college courses.
Step 4: Turn in your completed form to your high school counselor by your Priority Registration Date.
Program Rules and Requirements
Students are subject to all rules, regulations and fees at the college.
A high school student who has completed the EIGHTH grade may be admitted on a part-time basis (taking 11 units or less at WCC) subject to the following requirements with the written recommendation of the high school administrator and the parent’s permission:
- No Physical Education/Kinesiology courses may be taken; students must have met any course prerequisite requirements;
- Students are required to fulfill the minimum day requirement at their high school, or, for charter/home-schooled students, the parent has to verify that the proposed college coursework will not interfere with the student’s basic high school course work;
- Charter or home-schooled students must present a grade equivalency certification documenting the grade level the student has achieved;
- Charter or home-schooled students must present a copy of the affidavit submitted to the State or County Office of Education to document the student’s involvement in an educational process;
- Concurrently enrolled students receive the lowest registration priority.
- Students must be certified to be eligible for advanced scholastic or vocational coursework (courses numbered 1-99). Contact the high school administrator for information concerning authorization to enroll.
Take Classes Online or at Woodland Community College
Take Classes Online or at Woodland Community College![]()
Take Classes Online or at Woodland Community College
Step 1: Apply to WCC
Apply to WCC as a Current High School student using OpenCCC.
- You will first need to create an account and then proceed to start a new application for WCC.
- Make sure to indicate you are a current high school student.
- Once your application is processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to obtain your YCCD Student ID number and access your YCCD email account.
Step 2: Complete the High School Recommendation Form
- You must meet with your high school counselor to obtain authorization to enroll in specific courses.
- Download and complete the High School Recommendation Form (or get it from your high school counselor).
- Have a parent/guardian and your High School principal sign the permission form allowing you to take college courses.
- Submit the form to the WCC Admissions & Records Office by sending it via email to wccadmissionsinfo@yccd.edu from your YCCD email.
Step 3: Register
- WCC Admissions staff will process your High School Recommendation form and register you for your requested course.
For questions or assistance, you may also contact WCC Admissions & Records via email at wccadmissionsinfo@yccd.edu or by phone at (530) 661-5720.
- Departments
- Business Services
- Benefits
- Measure P
- Measure Y
- Fiscal Services
- Learning Loss Mitigation Funding - CARES Act
- Payroll
- Reports
- Maintenance, Operations and Facilities
- PRE QUAL/CUPPCCA - District Contractor Pre-Qualification & CUPCCAA Registration
- Complaint Information
- Developer Fees
- Facilities Advisory Committee
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Notice of Annual Contractor Prequalification Campaign
- Permanent Site Improvements Information
- PROJECTS (Inquiries: vicki.pulsifer@wjusd.org)
- Use of School Facilities (Facilitron)
- Integrated Pest Management Plan
- School Site Maintenance Projects
- Woodland High School Stadium Project
- Work Orders
- Transportation
- Technology Services
- Food and Nutrition Services
- Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
- Human Resources
- Educational Services
- College & Career Readiness
- Equity & Access
- Student Support Services
- Student Attendance and Welfare
- Alternative Educational Options
- Health Services
- Homeless & Foster Youth Services
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- School Climate and Bullying Prevention & Intervention
- Section 504 Plan
- Social & Emotional Wellness
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Title IX (Non-Discrimination)
- California Healthy Kids Survey Samples 2023 - 2024
- Special Education
- State and Federal Programs
- School Accountability Report Card
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Title I
- School Site Councils
- Beamer Elementary
- Dingle Elementary
- Freeman Elementary
- Gibson Elementary
- Tafoya Elementary
- Maxwell Elementary
- Plainfield Elementary
- Spring Lake Elementary
- Whitehead Elementary
- Prairie Elementary
- Zamora Elementary
- Science & Technology Academy
- Lee Middle School
- Douglass Middle School
- Pioneer High School
- Woodland High School
- Cache Creek High School
- Teaching & Learning
- Youth Engagement
- Business Services