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Student Support Services

mission and vision

mission and vision

The mission of Student Support Services is to enhance and strengthen learning for all students.

The vision of Student Support Services is that all students will experience a seamless system of support, with a clearly articulated set of processes, that address their barriers to success.
Important Information Regarding Confidential Student Data

Important Information Regarding Confidential Student Data

On March 1, federal District Court Judge Kimberly Mueller modified an earlier order and determined that records containing the information of some 10 million California students will not be provided outright to the attorneys involved in a statewide special education lawsuit (Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association v. California Department of Education). Instead, the database containing the records will remain in the sole custody of the California Department of Education (CDE). CDE must assist the plaintiffs’ attorneys in searching the database for information. The judge also reiterated that no personally identifiable information of any student may be released to the plaintiffs’ attorneys unless they demonstrate to the satisfaction of the court that a secure method will be used to store the data.
Student Support Services Contacts

Student Support Services Contacts

Dr. Felicia Wilson
Director, Student Support Services
Rosie Caraveo
Special Program Manager for Foster/Homeless Youth
Gurpreet Kaur
Behavior Analyst
Lyssa Perry
Administrator, Student Attendance and Welfare
(530) 406-3254
Reyna Madueño
Administrative Secretary
(530) 406-3151
Angie Naranjo
Administrative Secretary
Jennifer Sheehan
Lead School Nurse
(530) 681-0619
Erin Reis
Health Compliance Clerk

Attendance Liaisons

Anali Guillen
Sci Tech, Tafoya, Dingle, Spring Lake
(530) 908-7227
Jay Vasquez-Munoz
Michael Barron Sr.
Daniel Guadarrama
Gibson, Plainfield, Freeman, Beamer
(530) 750-6006
Manjot Sarang
Prairie, Maxwell, Zamora, Whitehead
(530) 908-1573
Brandi Caraveo
(530) 750-6009