Employee Safety Resources
The Woodland Joint Unified School District is committed to providing a safe workplace for all employees. Each and every employee is a valuable resource to the District. That is why the District is committed to providing employees with the safe work environment you expect. However, we all share the responsibility for promoting a safety culture and we all share accountability to value safe work practices and the safety programs that are put into place.
Make a commitment today to take an active role in safety.
workplace violence prevention plan (sb553)
workplace violence prevention plan (sb553) ![]()
workplace violence prevention plan (sb553)
As a result of the California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553), all employers that fall within the scope of California Labor Code (LC) 6401.7 and LC 6401.9, are required to establish, implement, and maintain an effective, written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP). Our WVPP plan can be viewed using this link, which outlines four identified types of violence against an employee, per SB 553. To access the Plan online you must be logged in to your @wjusd.org account. Otherwise, a copy is available in the front office at each site or to request a copy contact the HR department at myhrteam@wjusd.org.
Per this Senate Bill, the employer shall record information about workplace violence threats, incidents, and post-incident responses that meet the definition of workplace violence, per SB 553. If you are exposed to workplace violence, please call 9-1-1 for emergencies when safe. Otherwise, contact your supervisor immediately and complete a Workplace Violence Incident Report, form.
Per this Senate Bill, the employer shall record information about workplace violence threats, incidents, and post-incident responses that meet the definition of workplace violence, per SB 553. If you are exposed to workplace violence, please call 9-1-1 for emergencies when safe. Otherwise, contact your supervisor immediately and complete a Workplace Violence Incident Report, form.
In addition, employees can report a workplace safety concern via the Employee Safety Reporting Form via Informed K12.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this NEW plan, please contact Risk Management at 530-406-3213
report unsafe or hazardous conditions
report unsafe or hazardous conditions![]()
report unsafe or hazardous conditions
WJUSD is committed to identifying and preventing employee exposures to avoidable hazards and conditions that can lead to injuries or illnesses. Safety is everybody's job, and all employees are encouraged to remain alert and correct hazardous conditions and unsafe acts - if it is safe to do so - and/or report them to their supervisors.
If you observe an unsafe or hazardous condition submit an Employee Safety Reporting Form via Informed K12. The link to the form and routing instructions are below:
1. Employee initiates form and routes it to their administrator/supervisor.
2. Within 2 (two) business days, administrator/supervisor completes form.**
(Employee who initiated form receives notification that the form has been completed with link to view the form.)
3. The following departments/individuals will receive a copy of the completed form:
- M&O
- HR
- Appropriate Association President (CSEA or WEA)
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Risk Management at 530-406-3213.
heat illness prevention
heat illness prevention![]()
heat illness prevention
The District has developed a Heat Illness Prevention Plan to control the risk of occurrences of heat illness and to comply with the California Code of Regulations Proposed State Standard, Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 3395.
The plan is designed to educate employees and their supervisors on the symptoms of heat illness, causes of these symptoms, ways to prevent heat illness, and what to do if they or a fellow employee experience symptoms of heat illness. Employees that fall under this regulation could include, but are not limited to, maintenance, grounds, transportation workers, custodians, physical education teachers, and playground supervisors.
- Heat Safety Fact Sheet
- Pocket Guide for Workers: Protect Yourself from Health Illness (English and Spanish)
- YouTube Video from Department of Industrial Relations - Heat Illness Prevention English / Spanish / Hmong
protection from wildfire smoke
protection from wildfire smoke![]()
protection from wildfire smoke
As smoke and wildfire seasons intensify, schools must take urgent action to protect students and staff health. It is our committment to provide a safe environment to our students and staff, below are some resources with more information.
Make sure to visit the Yoo-Solano Air Quality Managment District website for more information on current conditions since pollution levels can vary from one place to another: https://www.ysaqmd.org/
- Pocket Guide for Workers: Protect Yourself from Health Illness (English and Spanish)
- Employee Notice - CalOSHA
- You Tube Video from CalOSHA - Requirements to Protect Workers Exposed to Wildfire Smoke (English / Spanish)
- Departments
- Business Services
- Benefits
- Measure P
- Measure Y
- Fiscal Services
- Learning Loss Mitigation Funding - CARES Act
- Payroll
- Reports
- Maintenance, Operations and Facilities
- PRE QUAL/CUPPCCA - District Contractor Pre-Qualification & CUPCCAA Registration
- Complaint Information
- Developer Fees
- Facilities Advisory Committee
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Notice of Annual Contractor Prequalification Campaign
- Permanent Site Improvements Information
- PROJECTS (Inquiries: vicki.pulsifer@wjusd.org)
- Use of School Facilities (Facilitron)
- Integrated Pest Management Plan
- School Site Maintenance Projects
- Woodland High School Stadium Project
- Work Orders
- Transportation
- Technology Services
- Food and Nutrition Services
- Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
- Human Resources
- Educational Services
- College & Career Readiness
- Equity & Access
- Student Support Services
- Student Attendance and Welfare
- Alternative Educational Options
- Health Services
- Homeless & Foster Youth Services
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- School Climate and Bullying Prevention & Intervention
- Section 504 Plan
- Social & Emotional Wellness
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Title IX (Non-Discrimination)
- California Healthy Kids Survey Samples 2023 - 2024
- Special Education
- State and Federal Programs
- School Accountability Report Card
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Title I
- School Site Councils
- Beamer Elementary
- Dingle Elementary
- Freeman Elementary
- Gibson Elementary
- Tafoya Elementary
- Maxwell Elementary
- Plainfield Elementary
- Spring Lake Elementary
- Whitehead Elementary
- Prairie Elementary
- Zamora Elementary
- Science & Technology Academy
- Lee Middle School
- Douglass Middle School
- Pioneer High School
- Woodland High School
- Cache Creek High School
- Teaching & Learning
- Youth Engagement
- Business Services