2023 Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings are held every second and fourth Thursday of each month, unless posted otherwise, in the WJUSD District Office Board Room. Regular Board Meeting Closed Sessions are held 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., and Open Sessions begin at 6:00 p.m. unless posted otherwise on the Board Meeting agenda.
Board meeting packet
Board meeting packet![]()
Board meeting packet
Meeting Videos
Meeting Videos![]()
Meeting Videos
Video recordings of 2023 meetings are available at https://livestream.com/wjusd (click on Board Meeting date).
Las grabaciones de video de las reuniones de 2023 están disponibles en https://livestream.com/wjusd-sp (haga clic en la fecha de la junta).
public comments to the board of trustees
public comments to the board of trustees![]()
public comments to the board of trustees
Topics not specifically listed on the agenda may be addressed by the public under “Public Comment to the Board.” This is an opportunity for you to make suggestions, identify concerns, or request information about matters affecting our District.
You can make a public comment in person during a Board meeting.
- Please fill out the Public Participation Form (available at Board meetings).
- Speakers are allowed three minutes each.
- The total time for public comment on each agenda item is 20 minutes.
- District
disability-related accommodations or translation services at Board Meetings
disability-related accommodations or translation services at Board Meetings![]()
disability-related accommodations or translation services at Board Meetings
For disability-related accommodations or translation services, please contact the Superintendent's Office via email at Maribeth.Villalobos@wjusd.org or call 530-406-3203, at least one working day prior to the scheduled meeting.