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Woodland Community Call to Action


I am excited that we are able to share this document with the community of Woodland.  It has been a long time in the making—nearly a decade. 
There has been a great deal of work done by a variety of agencies and organizations to help our community be ready to bring this document to life.  We have many more youth advocates and allies than we did 10-20 years ago. Our young people have many more opportunities to use their voice in meaningful and impactful ways, but we still have much room for improvement.   
The goal of this document is to serve are a guide and awareness.  Each agency can then decide how best to support the development of the youth they work with and serve.  
I appreciate that we took into consideration the needs of our youth and have identified specific strategies to put into action.  This is the responsibilities of all adults in partnership with youth.  Infusing the Youth Development Framework into all aspects of our work is just the start of the journey. 
Come along and join us in this journey to a better future for our youth and therefore a better future for our community. 
In Community,
Rogelio Villagrana
Board of Trustees
Trustee Area 7


Members of the Community of Woodland set out to create a guiding plan that would redefine programs, practices, and polices that affect young people of the community. To do this they created a Youth Plan which involves aspirations and goals, actively identifying the landscape of the community, and creating guiding principles.

While creating this plan, key community members from supporting organizations went through phases of learning and incorporating the language, seeking out and actively listening to the voices of young people, as well as phases that included heavy dialogue and the creation of aspects of the youth action plan. Because of these phases and this learning there is an understanding of the systems and services at play and a common language used throughout the plan.
our purpose

our purpose

We have never had an opportunity for the community to come together and discuss the needs of our young people. Our resources, aims, etc. were not aligned and the community could not provide for our youth in a collaborative and comprehensive way.

Our goal, as a community, is to provide our youth with the supports and opportunities they need to grow and develop into happy, healthy, and successful adults (whatever success means to them) who, in turn, engage in supporting and developing the next generation of Woodland youth.