Superintendent's Update March 2022
March 2022
March 2022![]()
March 2022

Dear WJUSD Families and Community,
Last week, the WJUSD Board of Trustees appointed me as our new Superintendent and I am honored and humbled to serve our District and our community in this role.
I am deeply committed to partnering with you to ensure our students receive the best social-emotional and academic education possible so that they are prepared to live happy and successful lives.
As a former English Learner, migrant farmworker, educator, and as a parent of four Woodland High School graduates, I understand the multiple challenges, needs, and perspectives in our community.
I have deep knowledge of our District’s current strengths, areas for growth, and a clear vision of the direction that our Board of Trustees has set forth in order to ensure that all students are prepared for college and/or careers upon graduation.
I have proudly served half of my educational career in Woodland. The experience I have gained as a classroom aide, classroom teacher, and as a school and District administrator have prepared me well to serve as the Superintendent in the community I know and love.
In the coming months, I will be holding community meet-and-greet events to get to know one another and to learn more about your hopes and dreams for your students.
I am thankful and excited for the opportunity to collaborate with you to support our students' success.
Elodia Ortega-Lampkin
Read more about our amazing students and programs below.
Masking Guidance Update
Last month Governor Newsom lifted the indoor mask mandate for all California K-12 schools.
- This means that masks are now optional in all WJUSD schools and offices.
- Although masks are optional, California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Yolo County strongly recommend that individuals choose to continue wearing masks indoors.
- During this transition, it is important to be kind and respectful of the individual choices that students, staff, and adults make for themselves and their families.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways in High School
Students at Pioneer and Woodland high schools have many Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways to choose from to prepare them for a future of endless possibilities.
Learn more by watching these new videos.
Woodland High School CTE pathways
Pioneer High School CTE pathways
English video
English video
Students Win Top Awards at MESA Day
Students from Lee and Douglass middle schools won first and second place awards for the academic competition known as MESA Day at UC Davis on March 12.
Elementary Student Receives ‘Every Student Succeeding’ Award
Congratulations to Gibson Elementary School student Emma Perez for receiving the “Every Student Succeeding” award from the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) last month.
G.A.T.E. Students Excel at Annual Geography Bee
Congratulations to fifth-grade Sci-Tech student Charlotte Banuelos for winning the annual Geography Bee competition last month.
- Second place winner was Michael Nichols, fifth-grade student from Spring Lake Elementary School.
- Third place winner was Cash Foldhazi, seventh-grade student from Lee Middle School.
Preschool Enrollment
Eligible families can enroll their child in the State Preschool program. The program in WJUSD offers six part-day and three full-day comprehensive developmental programs for three- to four-year-old children for income-eligible families.
TK - 6th Grade Enrollment
WJUSD continues to accept enrollments for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade for the upcoming 2022-23 school year.
Dual Immersion Enrollment
WJUSD continues to accept applications for the Dual Immersion (DI) Program for the 2022-2023 school year.
The DI Program offers instruction in both Spanish and English with the goal of producing bilingual and biliterate students.
The next required informational meeting is Monday, March 21.
Conflict and Uncertainty in the News
Many may be affected by the devastation and uncertainty from what we hear in the news. Fear around the conflict in Ukraine and concern for those who are directly impacted can take a toll on our mental health, especially after the challenges from the last two years.
Here are some resources on talking to your child about what they may hear or see in the news:
If you need additional support at school, please reach out to your school counselor.
If you or a family member would like help finding a mental health care or substance use treatment provider, contact Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential service provided by our District.
- Call 888-515-0595
- Visit
Register with Covid Clinic
Our District partners with Covid Clinic to provide free on-site COVID-testing for students, staff, and families.
Our District Goals
Our District has four main goals for our students' success, approved by the Board of Trustees, that we strive to achieve each day.
- Goal 1: College and Career Ready
- Goal 2: Meet Social-Emotional and Academic Needs
- Goal 3: Accelerate English Learner Achievement
- Goal 4: Engagement and Leadership Opportunities for Youth
Board of Education Meetings
The next Board of Education meeting will be on Thursday, March 24. Open session starts at 6 p.m.
Elodia Ortega-Lampkin