Superintendent's Weekly Update Nov. 2, 2022

Dear WJUSD Families, Staff, and Community,
Last month we launched a Districtwide anti-bullying campaign and I’m excited to report that it was a huge success!
Students throughout our District engaged in discussions and participated in fun activities to learn all about bullying, what it is, how to spot it, how to prevent it, and how to be an upstander and a good friend.
As we said at the outset, this is not something that ends in October. The safety of our students and their social-emotional wellness is our number one priority and we’ll focus on this issue throughout the school year.
Thank you to our staff for doing a great job teaching our students about anti-bullying, thank you to our families for setting great examples for your students, and congratulations to all students who participated in anti-bullying events and activities.
Keep up the great work!
This week’s update includes:
No School for Students on Nov. 10 - 11
Bullying Prevention and Intervention (For Families) Nov. 2
DELAC Meeting Nov. 7
WHS Students’ Veterans Day Concert Nov. 8
- SEPAC Meeting Nov. 8
Career Technical Education (CTE) Showcase Nov. 9
Youth Leadership Academy (For High School Students)
New Website Feedback
WJUSD in the News
Board of Trustees Update
Elodia Ortega-Lampkin
No School for Students Nov. 10 - 11
No School for Students Nov. 10 - 11![]()
No School for Students Nov. 10 - 11
There will be no school for students on Thursday - Friday next week, Nov. 10 - 11. Nov. 10 is a Teacher Work Day and Nov. 11 is Veterans Day.
bullying prevention and intervention
bullying prevention and intervention![]()
bullying prevention and intervention
Families, you are invited to "Bullying Prevention and Intervention" on Wednesday, Nov. 2.
You will learn:
✔ Types of Bullying
✔ Difference between bullying and conflict
✔ How to respond if your child tells you they are being bullied
Location: District Office, 435 6th St., Woodland
Time: 5 - 6 p.m.
Childcare will be provided
For more information contact Gurpreet Kaur, (530) 406-3160,
DELAC Meeting Nov. 7
DELAC Meeting Nov. 7![]()
DELAC Meeting Nov. 7
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) will meet on Nov. 7.
Date: Monday, Nov. 7
Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: District Office, Board Room, 435 Sixth St., Woodland
WHS Veterans Day Concert Nov. 8
WHS Veterans Day Concert Nov. 8![]()
WHS Veterans Day Concert Nov. 8
You are invited to attend the Woodland High School music and choir students’ Veterans Day Concert.
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 8
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
Location: Woodland High School theater
SEPAC Meeting Nov. 8
SEPAC Meeting Nov. 8![]()
SEPAC Meeting Nov. 8
You are invited to join SEPAC. Our Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) is one of the ways we ensure opportunities for community engagement. This group of parents and community members meets regularly as an advisory group focused on students with special needs and Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
The goal is to provide additional opportunities for family members and educational partners to engage in program development, district feedback, and input, as well as help parents feel supported and engaged within the WJUSD community.
The next meeting is:
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 8
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 8
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: District Office, Board Room, 435 Sixth St., Woodland
Career Technical Education Showcase Nov. 9
Career Technical Education Showcase Nov. 9![]()
Career Technical Education Showcase Nov. 9
One of the many ways WJUSD prepares our students for a future of endless possibilities is our top-notch Career Technical Education (CTE) programs.
You are invited to come meet our students and faculty and learn all about our CTE pathways at our high schools.
Hear from current CTE students about their experiences and watch them demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have gained.
Free Tacos!
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 9
Time: 4 - 6 p.m.
Location: District Office, Cacheville Room, 435 Sixth St., Woodland
youth leadership academy (for high school students)
youth leadership academy (for high school students)![]()
youth leadership academy (for high school students)
The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) is recruiting high school students for the next Youth Leadership Academy (YLA)!
YLA provides young leaders throughout the Sacramento area with the opportunity to gain leadership skills, an overall understanding of local government processes, and critical thinking skills regarding racial justice, environmental sustainability, and civic engagement through transportation and land use planning - all through a fun and welcoming environment.
YLA is scheduled to run from January to May 2023. The deadline to apply is Nov. 4.
For more information and to apply go to
new website feedback
new website feedback![]()
new website feedback
We launched our NEW websites last month. Let us know what you think!
wjusd in the news
wjusd in the news![]()
wjusd in the news
“I practically started singing in Kindergarten. I was always singing over there in Nepal. I was going to competitions and my friends always encouraged me. That’s how I started singing.”
Nita Thoreson, WHS Paraeducator
board of trustees update
board of trustees update![]()
board of trustees update
At the Oct. 27 Regular Board of Trustees meeting, the Board:
Approved Resolution 12-23: California Retired Teachers Week – November 6-12, 2022. Trustee Deborah Bautista Zavala presented the resolution to Gil Walker, President of CalRTA Yolo County Division 83, and Bob Gonzalez, Communications & Technology Committee Chair for CalRTA, Area 3 in recognition of California Retired Teachers Week.
Approved the 2022-2023 Comprehensive Safety Plans for Secondary School Sites. Each year schools are required to review and update their Comprehensive Safety Plan and present the plans to the Board of Trustees. The safety plans approved included:
Approved Resolution Allowable Under AB 361: Brown Act Teleconferencing. This action allows the Board to conduct or attend Board meetings virtually due to safety and health issues related to COVID.
Approved a resolution in support of Proposition 31: Prohibit Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products. The Board of Trustees took action to approve a resolution that supports Proposition 31. Proposition 31 prohibits the statewide sale of flavored tobacco products and urges a YES vote to Proposition 31 in the Nov. 8, 2022, statewide general election.
Reviewed a report on Key Considerations for School Attendance Areas Boundary Changes. A representative from PowerSchool provided the Board with an overview of the considerations for a boundary change on school attendance areas. The Board directed staff to bring back a proposal for engaging in a boundaries study for discussion and consideration in January.
Reviewed a report on the Discussion of the Process to Amend and Reassess the Districtwide Facilities Assessment. A community member requested that the board discuss amending and reassessing the Districtwide Facilities Assessment. Staff presented information regarding the process to amend and reassess the Districtwide Facilities Assessment. The presentation included a review of the process and data considered in developing the Districtwide Facilities Assessment which was approved on Aug. 11, 2022. The Board directed staff to conduct a schools facilities needs assessment instead of amending and reassessing the Aug. 11, 2022 Board-approved Districtwide Facilities Assessment.
Reviewed Report 2021-22 Capital Facilities Fund (Developer Fee) Income and Expenditures. Government code requires all school districts collecting development fees to make an annual accounting of those fees available to the public 180 days after the last day of each fiscal year.
Reviewed the Financial Status Report Including Cash Flow. The Board was presented with a financial report which included available cash flow to review the District’s financial status as of September 30, 2022.
Approved Resolution 13-23: California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program Governing Body Resolution. In January, the District successfully submitted its application for the California Schools Healthy Air Plumbing and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE). The Program provides funding to upgrade heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC) systems in public schools and replace plumbing fixtures and appliances that fail to meet water efficiency standards.
Approved Resolution 14-23 Authorizing Participation in the HVIP Public School Bus Set-Aside for Small and Medium Air Districts (Public School Bus Set-Aside). This resolution gives the Director of Transportation permission to apply for the HVIP voucher program, which would pave the way to modernize our bus fleet, ensure all routes are equipped with climate control capabilities, reduce the district's carbon footprint, and move forward in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
The next regular Board of Trustees meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 6 p.m.
Submit a public comment by voicemail, email, or in person:
Watch via live stream: or attend in person at the District Office, 435 Sixth St.