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Superintendent's Weekly Update Oct. 19, 2022

Banner image with Superintendent
superintendent holding a microphone and interviewing a boy outside of a school.
Dear WJUSD Families, Staff, and Community,

As part of our ongoing anti-bullying campaign, last week I spoke with students and staff at Plainfield Elementary School about how they’re working to prevent bullying at their school.

Please click on the image above to watch the video with an introduction by Board President Jake Whitaker.

This week’s update also includes:
  • Let us know what you think about our new websites
  • Environmental Stewardship Committee Meeting Oct. 26
  • Earthquake Drills Oct. 20
  • African-American Parent Advisory Council Oct. 25
  • Parent Training Opportunities
  • Board of Trustees Update

Elodia Ortega-Lampkin
website feedback

website feedback

Let us know what you think about our new websites!
Environmental Stewardship Committee Meeting Oct. 26

Environmental Stewardship Committee Meeting Oct. 26

You’re invited to attend our WJUSD Environmental Stewardship Committee Meeting.
Tuesday, Oct. 26.
5 - 6 p.m. 
Via Zoom.
Click here to join the meeting.
African-American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)

African-American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)

You’re invited to our African-American Parent Advisory Council’s first meeting of the school year on Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 6 - 7 p.m. at Jack Slaven Park.
earthquake drills oct. 20

earthquake drills oct. 20

Our schools will be participating in the Great American ShakeOut on Thursday, Oct. 20. The Great American ShakeOut is an earthquake preparedness drill that will include evacuation practice. This is part of our ongoing safety measures and preparedness drills that we conduct throughout the year to ensure our students and staff are safe in the event of an emergency.
Training for Parents (Project 2 Inspire) Continues

Training for Parents (Project 2 Inspire) Continues

Parents, you are invited to attend training to receive resources and strategies to support your students' success in their educational and emotional well-being.

The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) and WJUSD are collaborating to present “Project 2 Inspire,” a weekly training session for parents. The series runs for 12 weeks and each week you’ll acquire necessary information to be involved in the education of your children and develop your leadership skills.

Childcare will be provided!

English Sessions:
Weekly sessions
Monday evenings
6 - 7:30 p.m.
District Office, 435 Sixth St., Woodland

Spanish Sessions
Weekly sessions
Tuesday evenings
6 - 7:30 p.m.
District Office, 435 Sixth St., Woodland

For more information contact Yaneth Alfaro at (530) 723-3761 or 
board of trustees update

board of trustees update

Board of Trustees Update

At the Oct. 13 Regular Board of Trustees meeting, the Board:

  • Approved the 2022-2023 Comprehensive School Safety Plans for all WJUSD elementary school sites. All schools are required to have school safety plans in accordance with state education codes and regulations. The updated and Board-approved school safety plans are listed below:

  • Reviewed a staff update on Special Education Services and Inclusion Implementation. The report included an update on new Assembly Bills (AB1113 and AB 181) and their impact on Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and offers of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE); our District’s current inclusion practices and supports; and next steps for our District.

  • Reviewed the Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints (Written Report). A Williams Complaint regards instructional materials; facilities conditions; or teacher vacancies or misassignments. No Williams Complaints were filed with any WJUSD school in the quarterly report.

The next regular Board of Trustees meeting is Thursday, Oct. 27, at 6 p.m.