Superintendent's Weekly Update Sept. 28, 2022

Dear WJUSD Families, Staff, and Community,
October is National Bullying Prevention Month and students will be participating in an anti-bullying kickoff campaign at schools throughout our District. Addressing issues of bullying is a priority of ours and will be an ongoing focus throughout the year.
From assemblies to classroom lessons to poster contests, our students will focus on kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to help prevent bullying at our schools.
Ask them about their school activities and what they’re learning about anti-bullying in October and throughout the year.
Together we can make a difference by modeling mutual respect, kindness, and the willingness to seek to understand each other's differences and points of view.
This week’s update includes:
- Training for Parents Begins October
- Hiring Tutors for Expanded Learning Program
- NEW Websites Coming Soon!
- Superintendent Meet and Greet Oct. 4
- Board of Trustees Update
Elodia Ortega-Lampkin
Training for Parents Begins October
Parents, you are invited to attend training to receive resources and strategies to support your students' success in their educational and emotional well-being.
The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) and WJUSD are collaborating to present “Project 2 Inspire,” a weekly training session for parents. The series runs for 12 weeks and each week you’ll acquire necessary information to be involved in the education of your children and develop your leadership skills.
Childcare will be provided!
English Sessions:
Twelve (12) weekly sessions
Monday evenings starting Oct. 3
Monday evenings starting Oct. 3
6 - 7:30 p.m.
District Office, 435 Sixth St., Woodland
Spanish Sessions
Twelve (12) weekly sessions
Tuesday evenings starting Oct. 4
Tuesday evenings starting Oct. 4
6 - 7:30 p.m.
District Office, 435 Sixth St., Woodland
For more information contact Yaneth Alfaro at (530)723-3761 or
Hiring Tutors for Expanded Learning Program
We continue to hire tutors for our new Expanded Learning Program, which includes the former After School Education and Safety (ASES) and YMCA. The program starts immediately after school and consists of homework support, intervention, enrichment, recreation, and a nutritious snack.
Due to statewide staffing challenges, there are currently delays in enrollment as students are placed on a wait list. This is because we do not have enough tutors to serve all interested students at this time. As we hire more tutors, we will continue to enroll more students off the waitlist.
Join our team! If you are interested in being a tutor for this great program, click here.
New Websites Coming Soon!
We are excited to announce that we are launching new websites for the District Office and all school sites in early October.Keep an eye out for our new look and let us know what you think!
You are invited to attend a Superintendent Meet-and-Greet event this year. This is an opportunity to connect with Superintendent Elodia Ortega-Lampkin, get updates about our school District, and share your hopes and dreams for your students. All times are 6 - 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
New Websites Coming Soon!
We are excited to announce that we are launching new websites for the District Office and all school sites in early October.Keep an eye out for our new look and let us know what you think!
Superintendent Meet and Greet, Oct. 4
- Tuesday, Oct. 4, at Freeman Elementary School
- Tuesday, Oct. 11, at Douglass Middle School
- Tuesday, Oct. 18, at Tafoya Elementary School
Board of Trustees Update
At the Sept. 22 Board of Trustees meeting, the Board:
- Recognized the WJUSD recipients of the Yolo County School Boards Association (YCSBA) 2022 Excellence in Education Awards:
- Individual Excellence Award: Rogelio Villagrana, WJUSD Board of Trustees Vice President
- Program Excellence Award: Woodland Adult Education, Karin Liu, Principal
- Elementary Grades K-6 Teacher: Patricia Welty, Fourth Grade Teacher, Spring Lake Elementary School
- Secondary Grades 7-12 Teacher: Whitney Leonardo, Agriculture Teacher, Pioneer High School
- Alternative Education Teacher: Cecelia Drissia, Woodland Adult Education Teacher
- Student Services Credentialed Educator: Ashley Crawford, Special Education Teacher, Lee Middle School
- Recognized Erica Chung, Woodland High School educator, for being selected as 2022-23 Yolo County Teacher of the Year.
- Approved Resolution 7-23: Indigenous Peoples' Day - October 10, 2022. Trustee Noel Rodriguez presented the resolution to Adelita Serena, Maestra de Danza Calpulli Tlayolotl. The Board declares October 10 as “Indigenous Peoples' Day” and encourages students, staff, and administration to participate in meaningful activities that recognize the contributions of Indigenous Peoples to the community, state, and nation.
- Reviewed a staff report on Bullying Prevention, Intervention and Postvention. Staff updated the board on the progress made in implementing bullying prevention. The report included updates on staff development, curriculum, interventions, and information regarding a Districtwide anti-bullying campaign starting in October.
- Reviewed a staff report on the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program. The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program is a new program that provides funding for after-school programs for all elementary students in grades TK-6th. The report included an update on the implementation, enrollment, and plans for expansion of WJUSD's new after-school program, called "Expanding Minds."
- Reviewed the Science and Technology Academy Charter School Annual Report. Each year the Science and Technology Academy Charter School provides the board with an annual report. The purpose of this report is to update the board on student academic progress, curriculum, and professional learning.
- Approved Resolution 8-23: Resolution of Sufficiency of Approved Instructional Materials. Each year, approval of this resolution allows the District to use funds from the District Supplemental and Concentration budget and/or Lottery to provide students with sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, in each subject, in accordance with the State Board of Education.
- Approved Resolution Allowable Under AB 361: Brown Act Teleconferencing. This action allows the Board to conduct or attend Board meetings virtually due to safety and health issues related to COVID.
- Approved the Revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6153: School-Sponsored Trips. The Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6153: School-Sponsored Trips have been revised to give the Superintendent the authority to approve overnight trips, out-of-state trips, or out-of-country trips. This will support schools by making the approval process faster and avoiding scheduling issues.
- Approved the 2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals Financial Statements. Per education code, the Board is required to submit unaudited financial statements to the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools. These financial statements represent the financial status of all funds of the District as of June 30, 2022.
This is an annual resolution in which the Board provides public notice of the Gann limits for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 fiscal years and ensures they are in accordance with constitutional and statutory law.
- Approved a Variable Term Waiver Request for a Mild/Moderate Credential. This allows the District to fill a vacant position for a special education teacher at Zamora Elementary School.
- Reviewed a new job description for Supervisor of Payroll and Employee Benefits.
The next regular Board of Trustees meeting is Thursday, Oct. 13, at 6 p.m.